Senior Software Developer (Dipl.-Inform. univ .) with extensive expertise in C++, Qt, HMI, embedded systems, and GUI development on Windows adn Linux platforms. Proficient in designing and implementing sophisticated human-machine interfaces and embedded applications, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.
Skills: - C++, Modern C++, C++14, C++17, - cmake, make, qmake - Qt, QT Widgets, QML, QT Creator, - Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, GCC Toolchain - Microsoft : Windows, Visual Studio - UI : GUI, HMI, MMI, UI Test, QT Widgets, QML - Web : HTML, CSS, PHP, XML, JSON, LAMP, Apache, MySQL - Embedded: Yocto, Recipes, Debian, Ubuntu, dBus - CORBA - gStreamer, Video Streaming, RTSP - git, GitLab, GitHub, CI/CD Pipeline, Subversion, ClearCase - Scrum, Kanban, Confluence, V Model
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